20 Aug 2020 by AXXELIS
Charles Darwin once said, “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”.
A terrific metaphor for this, the story of the Choluteca Bridge. As you can see from the story in the picture, the Choluteca Bridge started as a perfectly plausible solution to an existing problem. However, when the problem changed, the solution did not, thereby rendering it useless. Referred to as ‘a bridge to nowhere’, the Choluteca Bridge is a shining example of why we must continually adapt to a situation if we are to be consistently successful.
The same happens in the world of business. The time invested in constantly searching for up to date solutions and responses is never wasted. If nothing else, the recent events surrounding COVID-19 has taught us this. We must alter the way we conduct our day to day affairs to ensure we provide the best solutions.